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Dating Episodes

July 18, 2023

Why You Stir Sh*t Up In Your Relationship EP 39

Do you know you might even be controlling when you argue with your partner? I know it may seem hard to believe because your first thought is probably... I hate arguing with my partner. I hate to say it, but as much as you ha...

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June 27, 2023

Shedding the Shame and Embracing Powerful Emotions w/ Joli Hamilton E…

Dr. Joli Hamilton, a relationship coach and research psychologist, known for her expertise in the field of jealousy joins the show today. Her research explores the archetypal nature of emotions and their purpose, with a focus...

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Feb. 28, 2023

26: Retroactive Jealousy w/ Zachary Stockill

Have you ever been more curious than you should be about your partner’s past lovers? Where one question about their past turned into five, which turned into ten, then felt that very uncomfortable pang of jealousy? This type o...

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Dec. 20, 2022

21: 5 Statements You Should Stop Making To Your Partner

In today's quick dump episode, I share 5 statements I decided to stop making to my partner that changed the dynamic of our relationship. Most of the time, you don't even realize how the words you choose can come across. Even...

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Nov. 29, 2022

19: Three Things That Slow Your Progress Of Overcoming Jealousy

One of the reasons it took me so long to overcome my jealousy is because I kept getting stuck or there would be long periods of time I wasn't working to improve it. I started to notice a pattern of these times and today I am ...

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Nov. 15, 2022

17: You Screwed Up Again, Now What?

It all feels like its falling apart when you screw up and show your jealous side... AGAIN. But, there is an important mindset to have when you are trying to tame your jealousy and in today's episode, I'm sharing the importanc...

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Sept. 27, 2022

13: How Men Think About Dating and Relationships w/ James Preece

James Preece is UK's top dating coach and often compared to Will Smith in the movie Hitch . In today's episode he shares some differences and similarities of men and women when it comes to dating and relationships. Here are ...

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July 9, 2022

01: Introducing The Jealousy Junkie Podcast

If you struggle with insecurities and jealousy in your relationship, this podcast is for you! Often these insecurities come from childhood or experience with betrayal and cheating partners in past relationships. This can lea...

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