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Molly Howes

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PhD, Author

Molly Howes, PhD is a writer of nonfiction and memoir. Her writing received a Notable Listing in Best American Essays 2015 and has reached finalist rounds in national contests. In 2014, she completed the intensive, yearlong Memoir Incubator Program at Grub Street writers’ center.

Her publications include the New York Times “Modern Love” column, Boston Globe Magazine, Bellingham Review, The Tampa Review, WBUR’s Cognoscenti, (which she also read on NPR’s “Morning Edition”), Passages North, Emrys Journal and Pangyrus. She has a regular blog at psychologytoday.com called “Make It Right.”

Aug. 9, 2022

07: The 4 Step Apology To Make Things Right with Molly Howes

The truth is, we are hardwired as humans to not want to apologize. It is one of the most difficult things to do on a cultural and neurological level. Feeling as though we did something wrong and that we hurt …

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