This episode discusses emotions and Why You Feel The Way You Do. One of the many books written by Reneau Peurifoy
He's been on the Larry King Now show, Dr. Drew, Fox and Friends and now the Jealousy Junkie podcast! This episode's guest is transformational speaker and best selling author, Kute Blackson and he's here to help you understand...
Is the attractive person sitting next to your partner at the dinner table a tiger? No, of course not. But yet, you respond with fight or flight mode as if it's life or death. You hate being uncomfortable and probably have n...
Our obsessions seem so magnified, so big and out of control and we let that become "who" and "what" we think we are. Because we're so focused on our jealousy, we begin to believe it's the only thing we bring to a relationship...
Have you ever been more curious than you should be about your partner’s past lovers? Where one question about their past turned into five, which turned into ten, then felt that very uncomfortable pang of jealousy? This type o...
Did you know you're being rude when you shrug off a compliment? After blowing off a compliment my husband gave me, he asked "Why can't you just absorb a compliment"? That made me wonder... why can't I? What's behind that? W...
Recently, my husband and I traveled to Costa Rica for a conference. We stayed in a beautiful hotel overlooking the beach and had a ton of fun experiences BUT day 4 would send me into a tailspin I haven't been in for a very, ...
You learn so much in childhood. How to walk, how to talk, how to do multiplication and division. Unfortuantely, for some though, you also learn to be fearful, to not trust. We learn not to get too happy because any minute, ...
Trauma leaves a chemical mark on a persons genes that is passed down to the next generation according to today's guest Dr. Galit Atlas. It's about family secrets and the secrets we keep from ourselves that also keep us from ...
In today's quick dump episode, I share 5 statements I decided to stop making to my partner that changed the dynamic of our relationship. Most of the time, you don't even realize how the words you choose can come across. Even...
Did you know that toxic stress decreases the size and impairs the function of different regions of the brain that are actually responsible for our learning, our executive functioning, our memory ? Candace Alley, a five time i...
One of the reasons it took me so long to overcome my jealousy is because I kept getting stuck or there would be long periods of time I wasn't working to improve it. I started to notice a pattern of these times and today I am ...
Did you know when your brain is operating under duress, all of the "parts" are not coordinating which can ramp up your jealous mind. Our brains have a negative bias because it wants to save us. It wants to keep us safe from ...
It all feels like its falling apart when you screw up and show your jealous side... AGAIN. But, there is an important mindset to have when you are trying to tame your jealousy and in today's episode, I'm sharing the importanc...
Life strategist, relationship specialist, creative solution finder, and heart-centered problem solver, Sarah Ramsey lets a surprisingly simple philosophy guide her: indecision is the enemy of success. Viewing clear decision-m...