In this quick dump episode, I'm sharing O.N.E. thing I did to break my negative mindset and take off the green lense I saw life through. Our adult brain can be lazy and it wants to refer back to old patterns of information we...
Aviation is one of those professions that has always been associated with infidelity and cheating, but Jackie Ulmer believes that every situation is as unique as the people involved. Jackie is a peak performance coach who has...
Is your partner a narcissist? If you feel like they are, it may be true, so we decided to present 10 warning signs to watch out for so you can know for sure. In this episode you will learn: 1. Learning about narcissism in ord...
All of us tend to lead with our thinking mind, which only makes up about 10% of who we actually are. There are other parts of our brain that have a larger capacity to accurately intake the information around us. However these...
In this episode, Shanenn walks through an exercise she did to stop her jealous actions. She breaks these action habits into two categories Undercover Action Habits Direct Action Habits Download the Action Habits Worksheet to...
“We need to understand that being kind to ourselves has nothing to do with stuffing down our feelings or burying them, or smothering them with consumerism or addiction. It's really about looking inward. Seeing what feelings a...
Jealousy can be insidious. It can cause us to unravel and mistrust ourselves to the point of exhaustion. Also, what feels like a deep knowing can oftentimes come across as a possible fear because of how activated our nervous ...
The truth is, we are hardwired as humans to not want to apologize. It is one of the most difficult things to do on a cultural and neurological level. Feeling as though we did something wrong and that we hurt someone is not th...
Have you ever considered what your jealousy trying to accomplish? If you flip jealousy on it's head and think of it in the best possible way, could it be the solution? Dr. Susan Heilter wrote about this in Psychology Today a...
The aftermath of a betrayal can be devastating. So many questions, heartache and challenges that come when there is an affair in a relationship. Could you, should you try to rebuild the relationship? In today's episode, cli...
If you've ever researched..."why am I jealous" you may have been left with more questions than answers. In this episode, Dr. Genesis Games walks you through what may be at the root of your jealousy and insecurities. You'll g...
My name is Shanenn Bryant, and I'm am a certified life coach and one of the few to focus on overcoming jealousy in relationships. For many years, I was extremely insecure and jealous in my relationships and thought it was jus...
What can you do when you're on the verge of a jealous meltdown or anxiety meltdown? Just need 1 thing you can do differently to allow you to respond versus react? I'm chatting it up with stress management coach Jessica Harri...
If you struggle with insecurities and jealousy in your relationship, this podcast is for you! Often these insecurities come from childhood or experience with betrayal and cheating partners in past relationships. This can lea...